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1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

Chit Chat

1) Give a rating of 1 to 5, to each of the following.

खालील पर्यायांना १ ते ५ क्रमांक दया.

When you have to take important decisions what do you generally do?

महत्वाचा  निर्णय  घेत  असतांना तुम्ही खालीलपैकी काय करतात?


a) Consult parents/elders - 1

b) Contact friends for advice - 1

c) Pray to God for guidance- 4

d) Think deeply in silence - 2

e) Ask your teacher for help - 3

f) Toss a coin to decide – 5

2) In poetry, very often, there are lines in which the poet seems to talk directly to an absent person, an abstract idea or thing/object.

Such a tactic/device used by the poet is the Figure of Speech 'Apostrophe'.

For example,

1) Twinkle, twinkle little star...............

2) Death! Where is thy sting?

3) O Cave man! I wish I could live with you.

Now, complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.

खालील वाक्यात  Apostrophe वापरून तुमची वाक्ये बनवा.


a) O, Life! How challenging and joyful it is.

b) Dear God, Please help me!

c) Books! You are my true friends.

d) Exams! I am ready to face you.

e) O, You beautiful sky! Send the rain today.


Learn more about Apostrophe:

Apostrophe- a Figure of speech

When in a sentence a direct address is made to the dead, lifeless objects, plants, animals, birds, absent persons, God etc., it is the use of apostrophe.

एखादया अनुपस्थित व्यक्ती, निर्जीव वस्तू, मृत व्यक्ती, वनस्पती, पशू, पक्षी, देव इत्यादिंना उद्देशून संवाद साधला असेल किंवा संभाषण केलेले असेल तर तेथे 'Apostrophe' हे Figures of speech असते.

Apostrophe- a Punctuation Mark

The apostrophe is a punctuation mark. In English it is used as follows.

1) The marking of the omission of one or more letters.

e.g. do not -  don't, it’s - it is, the’re – they are etc.

2) The marking of possessive case of nouns.

e.g. the Raju's books,  in one month's time, workers’ rights etc.

विराम चिन्ह म्हणून apostrophe चा वापर होतो. एखादे लेटर वगळले आहे किंवा मालकी दाखवण्यासाठी apostrophe वापर होतो.


English Workshop


1) Choose the correct alternative and complete the given sentences.

a) According to the poet, ------------------ are brought by each new day.

(new beginnings / new endings)

Answer: new beginnings

b) We must decide to take the road which leads to ------------------.

(great distress / great success)

Answer: great success

C) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is ------------------.

(might / right)

Answer: right

D) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the ------------------ years of his life.

(worst / best)

Answer: best

2) Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.


1) make - take          

2) success - distress  

3) see - me                 

4) way - day              

5) see - me

3) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Choose the correct one from the following options.

i) a a b b    

ii) a b c d       

iii) a b c b          

iv) a b b a

Answer:   a b c b

4) Match the lines in Column A with the Figures of Speech in Column B.

Column 'A'

       Column 'B'

i)     Decisions, I must make

a)  Apostrophe

ii)    Please open up my eyes, dear Lord

b)   Inversion

iii)  Travel down the darkened road

c)  Metaphor

iv)  I can choose to take the road of life

d)   Alliteration


Column 'A'

       Column 'B'

i)     Decisions, I must make


ii)    Please open up my eyes, dear Lord


iii)  Travel down the darkened road


iv)  I can choose to take the road of life




Alliteration is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase, sentence etc.

जेव्हा एखादया वाक्यात वेगवेगळ्या शब्दांच्या सुरुवातीला समान ध्वनी पुन्हा पुन्हा आलेले असतील तर तेथे Alliteration असते.


a) That life is lived its very best.

b) Raju brings himself to the bank of a bay.

c) He holds his head high.

d) काकूने काकाचे कामाचे कागद कात्रीने कापून काढले.

Find out more examples of Alliteration from other poems in your book.



1) Each day brings new beginnings.

2) Decisions I must make.

3) Bring out the best in me.

4) That I might keep my body clean.


See the video presentation of 1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

Created by: Dr. Rajendra Bedwal

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer. (My English Coursebook Standard Ten.)

This video is the explanation of the poem A Teenager's Prayer by J. Morse. It is the poem from 10th standard English course book. This video explains the poe...

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

Appreciation of the poem:-


‘A Teenager’s Prayer’


J. Morse

Rhyme Scheme

The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘a b c b’


of Speech

Inversion: Decisions I must make.

The words are not in a correct prose order. The correct word order is ‘I must make decisions’.

Alliteration: Travel down the darkened road.

The sound of letter ‘d’ is repeated.

Metaphor: I can choose to take the road of life.

The ‘road of life’ is compared with ‘journey of life’.




It is a Prayer by Teenager. Teenage is a very important age in everyone's life. The poet tells that God can show him the proper way. God in the poem is the symbol of the person's inner mind, family or society. Here he learns to differentiate the right or just things with the wrong or the worst.

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