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2.1 You Start Dying Slowly

You Start Dying Slowly -  Appreciation


‘You Start Dying Slowly’ 


Pablo Neruda

( Nobel Laureate in 1971)

Rhyme Scheme

The poem is a free verse.










Figures of Speech

1. Alliteration:

“If you do not appreciate yourself.”

Sound of letter ‘y’ is repeated.

2. Refrain:

“You start dying slowly.”

This line is repeated four times in the poem.

3. Metaphor:

If you do not listen to the sound of life.

Sound of instrument is compared with sound of life.

4. Anaphora:

      If you do not travel,

      If you do not read,

      If you do not listen…

Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of two or more successive sentences is ‘Anaphora’




The central idea of the poem is that everyone should enjoy each and every moment of life. So he appeals to change the lifestyle, fulfil the passion, remain positive, take risks and follow the dreams. Poet advices to make required changes to get a happy future.


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