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1.3 A Basketful of Moonlight

1.3 A Basketful of Moonlight 

Chit- Chat:

a) Give answer:

1) Did you like to hear bedtime stories when you were a child?

Answer: Yes, I did. I liked to hear bedtime stories.

2) Who usually told you the bedtime stories?

Answer: My grandmother told me the bedtime stories.

3) Why did you like them?

Answer: I liked them because they took me in a beautiful, imaginary and humorous world. I liked grandmother’s style of telling stories. These stories also teach me morals.

4) Do you still like to hear those stories, again?

Answer: Yes, I do. I still like to hear those stories again.

b) Answer the following:

1) Discuss in groups about the procedure of planting a tree.  Write the steps in bullet points and present them before the class.


1) Select the right place for plantation.         

2) Dig the hole.

3) Fill the hole with water. 

4) Loosen/trim the roots and remove the nursery stake.

5) Place the tree in the center of the hole.

6) Fill the hole with same soil that came out of the hole.

7) Add fertilizer

8) Put up a tree guard.

2) Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.




1) Works hard to earn a living.

1) Cooks food for family.

2) Maintains discipline in the family.

2) Keeps the house clean.

3) Gives money to spend.

3) Brings essential things from the market.

4) Takes to picnic and trips.

4) Resolves conflicts and bring happiness in the family.

5) Helps in study.

5) Helps the children in study.

6) Cares family members.

6) Teaches good manners, humbleness, dignity and compassion etc.

7) Provides moral values.

7) Provides moral values.

8) Helps in all problems.

8) Takes care of all.



A Basketful of Moonlight


Sunil Sharma

Rhyme Scheme

It is free verse poem. There are no rhyming words in the poem.

Figures of Speech



1) basketful or two baskets full,

2) snakes and scorpions.


1) small, small moons of light.


1) I want to light the dark route


1) I too want to hear fairy tales and stories from him.

Special features


The child loves his father a lot and longs for his company. He wants to spend a lot of time with his father, but due to the darkness at night his father is not coming early. So he imagines that he could illuminate the route at night with the small moons by sowing the seeds of the moon or moonlight. It would help his father to travel easily, safely and quickly.



The poem focuses the problems and difficulties of village people. It also shows the desire of a child to spend time with his father.


See the video presentation of 1.3 A Basketful of Moonlight

Created by: Dr. Rajendra Bedwal

1.3 Basketful of Moonlight (10th standard English Coursebook)


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Unknown said…
The poem is described in a very good manner with pictures
Unknown said…
Nice I like this poem����