Activity Work Book for XII New syllabus (With Marathi Translation) is available for sale. Do buy it as early as possible. Price Rs. 400 + 50 (Packing and Postage charges)= Rs.450 < Contact Writer:- Prof. Tushar Chavan from Rashtriya Junior College, Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon. Whats app Number: 9850737199 , Cell 9850737199

Information Transfer


Information Transfer

Important points :-

1) Information Transfer is conversion from Non – verbal information to Verbal Information and vice versa.

माहिती हस्तांतरण म्हणजे अमौखिक माहितीतून शाब्दिक माहिती आणि त्याउलट रूपांतरण करणे.

2) The given information could be in the form of a Pie – chart, Tree – diagram, Graph, Table, Notes, etc. This has to be written in a paragraph of about 120 words.

दिलेली माहिती पाय - चार्ट, ट्री डायग्राम, आलेख, टेबल, नोट्स इत्यादी स्वरूपात असू शकते. हे जवळजवळ १२० शब्दांच्या परिच्छेदात लिहिले जावे.

3) Include all the information given in the diagram in the paragraph in a clear and logical manner. Give a title to the paragraph.

परिच्छेदामध्ये आकृतीतील सर्व माहिती स्पष्ट आणि तार्किक पद्धतीने समाविष्ट करा. परिच्छेदाला शीर्षक द्या.

Types of non – verbal information:

i) Pie chart

ii) Tree diagram

iii) Statistical (Tabular) data

iv) Map/ Web/ Chart

v) Flow-chart

vi) Do's and Don'ts







Conversion of these into paragraph is non-verbal to verbal transformation.


Activity No.1: Read the following pie chart and write a paragraph describing it.

Causes of Road Accidents in India



Causes of Road Accidents in India

               In India there are various causes of road accidents. The major cause of road accident is driver fault. Due to the mistake of driver near about 77 % road accidents are done. The second major cause of road accident in India is surprisingly the passenger fault. 8 % road accidents are caused due to the mistake of the passengers. The speed of vehicles also caused 5 % road accidents. Increasing speed increases the percentage of road accidents. Mechanical defect in vehicles also causes road accidents. 3 % road accidents are done due to this reason. There are other factors which are also responsible for road accidents include fallen trees and cattle. 4 % of road accidents are caused due to this reason. 2 % road accidents are caused due to absence of reflectors.


Activity No.2: Write a paragraph based on the information about Ramayana and Mahabharata shown in the table.


            Ramayana and Mahabharata are two great epics of India. Ramayana is written about 7000 years ago while Mahabharata is written about 4000 years ago. Poet Valmiki wrote Ramayana and Maharshi Ved Vyas created Mahabharata. Lord Rama is the hero of Ramayana while Lord Krishna is the central character of Mahabharata. The central women characters of Ramayana are Seeta and Kaikai while in Mahabharata Draupadi and Kunti are the central women characters. In both epics war took palce. The war in Ramayana took place in Lanka and in Mahabharata it took place in Kurukshetra. The message of both epics is that at the end good wins.


Activity No.3: Observe the following tree diagram and write a paragraph


Books and their types

             Books have always been man’s best friends. There are books on a wide range of topics. They can be grouped under different categories namely literature, expository, philosophical and reference. Poetry, drama, novel and short stories all come under literature which is meant to entertain. Books that provide information are expository type and include history, geography, politics and sociology. Philosophical books deal with religion and theology. These books are for deep thinking. Reference books are for the study. They include dictionary, world records and facts and figure etc.

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Unknown said…
Yogesh satyawan dadas.