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Make Exclamatory Sentence


Make Exclamatory Sentence



1) When there is ‘noun’ after adjective or adverb, use ‘What a’.


When sentence has words like ‘a very’, ‘really a’, use ‘What a’.

जेव्हा विशेषण किंवा क्रियाविशेषणानंतर नामयेते तेव्हा ‘What a’ वापरा.


जेव्हा वाक्यात ‘a very’, ‘really a’ असे शब्द असतात, तेव्हा ‘What a’ वापरा.

2) When there is no ‘noun’ after adjective or adverb, use ‘How’.There is use of words like ‘very, really’.

जेव्हा विशेषण किंवा क्रियाविशेषणानंतर कोणतेही नामनसते तेव्हा ‘How’ वापरा. यात ‘very, really’ यासारख्या शब्दांचा वापर होतो.

3) Begin the sentence from ‘a very’ or ‘very’. Remove them and write ‘What a’ or ‘How’.

दिलेले वाक्य ‘a very’ or ‘very’ पासून वाक्य सुरू करा. ‘a very’ or ‘very’ काढा आणि ‘What a’ or ‘How’ लिहा.

4) Write sentence up to full stop.

पूर्णविराम पर्यंत वाक्य लिहा.

5) Write subject and verb at the end of sentence.

वाक्याच्या शेवटी कर्ता आणि क्रियापद लिहा.

6) Write exclamatory mark at the end of sentence.

वाक्याच्या शेवटी उद्गार चिन्ह लिहा.


1) The prince is a very cruel man.

Ans- What a cruel man the prince is!

2) The prince was very cruel.

Ans- How cruel the prince was!

3) He is really an ignorant man.

Ans- What an ignorant man he is!

4) It is really a great shame.

Ans- What a shame!

5) The climate is extremely pleasant.

Ans- How pleasant the climate is!

6) He was a funny looking man.

Ans- What a funny looking man he is!

7) The baby is certainly lovely.

Ans- How lovely the baby is!

8) It is really strange.

Ans- How strange it is!

9) They are perfect.

Ans- How perfect they are!

10) It was really a grand reception on the natural calamity like this.

Ans- What a grand reception it is on the natural calamity like this!

11) The sky was heavily overcast.

Ans- How heavily the sky was overcast!


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Vaishali Jane said…
Explained very clearly the use of ,What and How.Examples are also nice.
Unknown said…
Can't get the 4th example
Unknown said…
Good explanation sir
Unknown said…
I can't understand example number 4
Vaishali Jane said…
The answer of the fourth sentence is correct.I think at the end of the sentence *it is* it means the subject and the verb are not given.So,most of our friends are getting confused. But the use of *it is* is understood here.The given answer is correct.