Activity Work Book for XII New syllabus (With Marathi Translation) is available for sale. Do buy it as early as possible. Price Rs. 400 + 50 (Packing and Postage charges)= Rs.450 < Contact Writer:- Prof. Tushar Chavan from Rashtriya Junior College, Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon. Whats app Number: 9850737199 , Cell 9850737199

Time and a Period of Time

Words which refer to Time and  A Period of Time


1) Nano second


2) 1 micro second-    

1000 nanoseconds


3)1 millisecond -    

1000 microseconds


4)1 second-    

1000 milliseconds


5)1 minute-    

60 seconds


6)1 hour -     

60 minutes


7)1 day-    

24 hours


8)1 week-    

7 days


9) Fortnight-     

15 days


10)1 month-     

30 days/4 weeks


11) quarter-     

3 months


12) half year-    

6 months


13)1 year-    

12 months/365 days


14) 1 decade-    

10 years


15) 1 Century-    

100 years


16) age-     

a period of time


17) eon-    

billion of years/ 

1 billion means 100 crore years


18) super eon-    

several billion years


19) era-     

long period of time regarding history


20) period-     

length or portion of time


21) epoch-    

a particular period of time in history .




Words which refer to figures.


1) Million-  

10 lakh


2) Billion-    

100 crore


3) Crore-    

100 lakh


4) Lakh-    

100 thousand


5) Thousand- 

10 hundred


6) Hundred- 



Complied by

Prof. Vaishali Jane 


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