Words which refer to ⏰Time and A Period of Time⏰
1) Nano second
2) 1 micro second-
1000 nanoseconds
3)1 millisecond -
1000 microseconds
4)1 second-
1000 milliseconds
5)1 minute-
60 seconds
6)1 hour -
60 minutes
7)1 day-
24 hours
8)1 week-
7 days
9) Fortnight-
15 days
10)1 month-
30 days/4 weeks
11) quarter-
3 months
12) half year-
6 months
13)1 year-
12 months/365 days
14) 1 decade-
10 years
15) 1 Century-
100 years
16) age-
a period of time
17) eon-
billion of years/
1 billion
means 100 crore years
18) super eon-
several billion years
19) era-
long period of time regarding
20) period-
length or portion of time
21) epoch-
a particular period of time
in history .
Words which refer to figures.
1) Million-
10 lakh
2) Billion-
100 crore
3) Crore-
100 lakh
4) Lakh-
100 thousand
5) Thousand-
10 hundred
6) Hundred-
Name of Anniversaries